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Does My Healthcare Provider Really Care?

Does My Healthcare Provider Really Care?

Online and in-person healthcare providers are essential if you require treatment for mental health symptoms. Healthcare providers offer you access to life-changing services that improve your quality of life. Finding a caring provider will help you feel safe and comfortable while undergoing treatment for mental health issues or chronic stress. 

The Mindfuli therapy app ensures you have access to a care team and personalized therapy. Mindfuli uses a comprehensive assessment to ensure that you get paired with a therapist or counselor who shares your personal interests and treatment goals for a deeper, more honest connection. 

What Does Quality Healthcare Look Like? 

Quality healthcare uses evidence-based methods and ensures that clients have access to qualified experts and paraprofessionals. Building trust with your care provider will improve your treatment outcome. 

According to the Bulletin of the World Health Organization, “As levels of trust and mutual understanding increase, responsiveness and the patients’ perceptions of the quality of their care often improve.” Providers who genuinely have your best interest in mind will collaborate with you to ensure ongoing progress in your recovery. 

How Can I Tell if My Healthcare Provider Cares? 

A healthcare provider that cares does not treat clients like a number, diagnosis, or paycheck. Instead, they act compassionately and actively listen to your thoughts and concerns. According to StatPearls Publishing, trust is essential in the provider-client relationship. 

If you meet a new care provider who does not listen to your needs or brushes off any concerns you have about their methods, you may want to look elsewhere for mental health treatment. The language providers use, and services they offer should ensure respectful, ethical, and dignified care regardless of your mental health needs. 

Good healthcare providers will go out of their way to make sure you fully understand your rights, including: 

  • Informed consent 
  • Confidentiality 
  • Continuity of care 

When searching for a healthcare provider, ask about their licensing, accreditation, and treatment results. A care team that refuses to provide details or does not seem interested in collaborating with you to create a personalized care plan may not have your best interest at heart. 

3 Ways to Connect With Your Online Healthcare Provider 

Healthcare providers who have a personal connection with clients provide the best outcomes. You can build a deep and trusting relationship with your care team using the three steps listed below. 

#1. Ask Them About Their Experience, Training, and Goals

A caring therapist or counselor will gladly share information about their experiences, training, and how their expertise can help you heal. Building trust should be a priority during early sessions. Dedicated professionals who care about their clients will practice warmth, friendliness, and empathy. 

#2. Monitor Your Progress, Motivation, and Treatment Goals

Your therapist or counselor should start a professional relationship by doing the following: 

  • Creating a safe space
  • Building trust
  • Assessing your needs 
  • Creating a comprehensive treatment plan
  • Setting realistic recovery goals 

Throughout treatment, your care team will regularly monitor your progress, update treatment goals, and ensure you continue to feel motivated and engaged in treatment. If you ever feel like you are no longer making progress or the focus should shift to a different piece of your recovery, reach out to your care team. A healthcare provider that cares will make immediate changes to ensure you achieve the goals that matter most to you. 

#3. Communicate Your Needs Clearly

The most effective way to communicate your needs is to clearly state them using objective language. Opening up in this way can leave you feeling vulnerable, which might cause mild anxiety at first. 

However, being honest with your therapist allows for more appropriate treatment methods and a better provider-client relationship. During online therapy sessions, communication is essential because the therapist has fewer body language cues to guide them. Effective therapy requires an open line of communication.

Good Healthcare Providers Prioritize Your Safety and Comfort 

A good healthcare provider that cares about you as a person will prioritize your safety and comfort during every stage of the treatment process. Your therapist may ask you to challenge yourself, but you should never feel unsafe during a therapy session. 

Mental health experts have training that allows them to recognize signs of emotional discomfort. In addition, they can give you tools that help you feel secure during vulnerable sessions. Your care team does this in a few ways, including: 

  • Verbally checking your comfort level during sessions 
  • Using evidence-based methods 
  • Providing you with coping skills like grounding, meditation, or relaxation techniques
  • Using a trauma-informed approach 

Healthcare providers have a duty to ensure the services and treatments they provide effectively meet the needs of each client. Mindfuli uses comprehensive assessments to ensure you will get matched with the best therapist or counselor to meet your needs. 

Trust in your healthcare provider can affect how you feel about treatment and the outcome of therapy. It can affect your recovery if you do not feel confident in your healthcare provider’s service quality or if you suspect they may not care about your well-being. Mindfuli offers instant access to a wide range of highly trained mental health professionals and paraprofessionals who treat mental health issues. In addition, Mindfuli ensures the dedication of each therapist and counselor. Our highest priorities are your comfort, safety, and health. You can rely on us to help you overcome mental health disorders and related issues. To learn more about our services, call us today at 866-973-4415

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