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Your family and friends can be a source of comfort and support as they help you navigate the ups and downs of life. When those relationships are strained by conflict, your physical and mental health can be negatively impacted. Fortunately, with the support of therapy, you and your loved ones can begin to understand and support each other in healthier ways.

What Are Relationship/Family Conflicts?

Conflicts with family and friends are typically born out of misunderstandings and differing beliefs. If disagreements are not healthily resolved, it can lead to more arguments, underlying tension, resentment, and toxicity. Often, our families and friends are the cornerstones of who we are, from our values and beliefs to our social and economic support systems. 

However, when conflicts arise in these relationships, that source of comfort can quickly turn into a source of emotional and physical pain. If you and or your loved ones lack the knowledge and skills to have an open dialogue with each other when issues arise, small issues begin to feel big – and big issues feel insurmountable.

Some common signs of relationship issues include:

  • Frequent arguments and disagreements
  • Lack of communication
  • Avoidance
  • Lack of emotional intimacy
  • Superficial interactions
  • Boundary issues

Statistics on Relationship/Family Conflicts

Your mental and physical health are deeply interconnected to the important relationships in your life. As noted in an article from the Pew Research Center, three in ten, or 28%, of American adults feel loneliness and isolation due to dissatisfaction with their family life. When you have unresolved conflict in your relationships, it can impact multiple aspects of your life. This conflict can influence the way you feel about yourself and others. You may also have negative physical responses to those stressors.

Research shows that conflict and lack of clear and healthy communication skills in relationships have a profound impact on our choices and functioning. According to an article from Youth, 90% of runaway youth in shelters and 75.5% of youth in residential programs say they ran away because of longstanding family issues

As human connection is a fundamental part of our existence, the stress induced by relationship conflicts triggers a primal fear of loss. Moreover, long-term relationship conflict can make you feel misunderstood, unloved, and unsafe in the relationships that play a significant role in your life.

Conflict can create stressed-induced physical and mental health risk factors, including:

  • Hypertension
  • Heart attack
  • Stroke
  • Heart disease
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Anxiety disorders
  • Depression

Why Is Treatment for Relationships/Family Conflict Important?

Conflict in relationships is not inherently bad. After all, it’s neither possible nor healthy to remain harmonious at all times. When different personalities come together, it is unlikely that everyone will agree with every decision or opinion. However, relationship conflicts should not create a long-term disruption to your emotional, mental, and physical well-being. As noted in an article from the Journal of Health and Social Behavior, stressful conflict in social relationships without good coping and communication skills can contribute to poor health habits over a lifetime.

Table of Contents

When you seek support for your relationship conflicts, it can help you and your loved ones create stronger boundaries and form healthier, deeper connections with each other. With support, you can alleviate stress, learn healthier coping strategies, and build communication skills to improve your interpersonal relationships. Moreover, the support of a therapist or care counselor can help you find more meaning and fulfillment in your relationships.

What Does Having Relationship/Family Conflict Feel Like?

While temporary conflict and stress in relationships are not uncommon, experiencing prolonged periods of stress due to those conflicts can be harmful to your health. The symptoms of relationship conflict can contribute to excessive stress, loneliness, social isolation, and other health issues.

Some symptoms of relationship conflicts may include:

  • Irritability
  • Agitation
  • Anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Sleep issues
  • Avoidance and withdrawal
  • Digestive issues
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Nausea
  • Tension headaches
  • Migraines

What Makes Our Program Unique?

At Mindfuli, we can provide emotional and social support to help you and your loved ones build healthier bonds with each other. With our virtual platform, we can provide flexible real-time video and chat-based features, so you and your loved ones can receive the support you deserve from the comfort of your homes. Our licensed therapists and care counselors are trained to help you navigate those conflicts to build healthier relationships based on strong interpersonal communication skills and emotional fulfillment.

Moreover, we offer a wide range of evidence-based support services to help you start rebuilding those connections with each other.


Some of the services we offer at Mindfuli include:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Motivational interviewing (MI)
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)
  • Psychoeducation

To learn more about how relationship-based therapy can support you and your loved one, visit our Relationships/Family page.

Getting Help

If you feel like you are experiencing heightened symptoms of stress, loneliness, and isolation due to relationship conflicts, you deserve support. Seeking support can help you and your loved one process your feelings and build deeper connections with each other. Relationship conflicts and strain can make daily life feel overwhelming, depressing, and agitating. Pursuing treatment and support can help you and your loved ones understand each other, support each other better, and find joy in being in each other’s lives. At Mindfuli, we believe the therapeutic alliance between you and your care team can support your long-term wellness.

To learn more about Mindfuli and our care team, visit the Our Team page.

Relationship conflicts can add more stress to your social interactions and daily life, but with support, you can start building healthier connections with your loved ones. Our virtual real-time video and chat-based features at Mindfuli can help you get the social and emotional support you need. Call (888) 703-3004 to learn more.

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