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Coping With Life Setbacks During Recovery

Coping with Life Setbacks During Recovery

Life post-treatment comes with many challenges. That includes the potential risks for setbacks. However, these setbacks are temporary, and you can move on. Coping with life setbacks is necessary to maintain long-term recovery from substance use and mental health disorders such as the impact of bipolar disorder. Not letting minor setbacks or inconveniences penetrate your recovery is not always easy, but it is possible. Alter Wellness Mindfuli can help you understand how to manage the setbacks that may come your way.

When people feel down, they typically experience low self-esteem and a lack of confidence, which may increase the risk of relapse. It can also put a person at risk of developing behavioral health issues, such as depression and anxiety. Managing these setbacks – no matter how big or small – is an invaluable part of treatment and recovery.

Unique Challenges You May Experience in Recovery

Needless to say, life post-treatment comes with many unique challenges. It can be difficult to understand these challenges if you have not struggled with addiction or gone through the treatment process. However, those who have been in recovery for a while know firsthand how difficult it can be to make it through early recovery.

Furthermore, not everyone experiences the same challenges. Life circumstances typically influence the challenges you will face. For example, individuals who live with a toxic partner may experience the challenge of finding new housing post-treatment. Similarly, if you live with roommates who use drugs prior to entering treatment, you will also need to find a new place to live that is conducive to your sobriety.

Other unique challenges you may experience in recovery include:

  • Learning to cope and heal from past trauma without using substances
  • Managing intense cravings without 24/7 support
  • Ending relationships or friendships that are not conducive to your long-term sobriety
  • Learning to fill up your time so you can avoid boredom, isolation, and loneliness
  • The transition from treatment back home, whether that includes finding new housing or making your home a healthy, substance-free environment
  • Learning to build new, positive relationships with people

These challenges are manageable with proper relapse prevention techniques and a strong support system. However, the inability to manage the stress of the transition home from treatment can lead to setbacks, which put you at a greater risk for relapse.

How These Setbacks Can Increase the Risk of Relapse

Regardless of the challenges you face post-treatment, they can increase the risk of relapse. The unfortunate reality of addiction is that because of its chronic nature, there will also be risks of relapse. Not everyone relapses, but many factors can put you at a greater risk. Some of those factors include:

  • Co-occurring disorders or other physical ailments
  • Lack of a support system
  • Isolation and border
  • Stress
  • Toxic relationships

Factors such as these can be particularly damaging in early recovery. In general, experiencing too many stressors in early recovery can lead a person to relapse. However, the risk is present throughout your sobriety journey. Even individuals with decades of sobriety under their built can experience relapse. That is why learning to cope with stress and life setbacks is so vital.

How to Start Coping With Life Setbacks in Your Recovery

Going about coping with life setbacks in your recovery is unique to your own experiences. Some people may go to therapy twice a week instead of once, while others find it more beneficial to attend support group meetings. However, the most effective way to cope with setbacks tends to be by following a combination of practices that help people maintain long-term recovery. Some of these practices include:

  • Ensuring you have enough recovery support, including having a sponsor, accountability partners, or partaking in an aftercare program
  • Attending therapy as needed to tackle the core problems of your addiction
  • Considering family counseling if your family dynamics contribute to your overall problems with substance use
  • Identifying triggers and acknowledging the power they can hold over your recovery
  • Making new friends and engaging more with people who are sober or prefer to live a life free of substance use
  • Practicing gratitude and finding new ways to stay motivated in recovery
  • Creating a healthier lifestyle by exercising, eating healthy foods, and finding other ways to care for your body and physical health
  • Trying new hobbies, finding new passions, and discovering ways to avoid boredom and isolation

Of course, these are a few ways to start coping with life setbacks today, but there is also no shame in pursuing further professional help.

Coping With Life Setbacks With the Help of Mindfuli

With Alter Wellness Mindfuli, you can conveniently cope with life setbacks from a location of your choice. With our virtual services, we help individuals manage stress, anger, anxiety, relationships, trauma, and other issues. Offering treatment through our virtual platform, we provide additional recovery support and continued care.

Unfortunately, due to its chronic nature, addiction is a condition that puts people at an increased risk for relapse. Individuals in recovery face unique challenges regarding their transition from treatment and managing life setbacks. Whether you experience financial setbacks, problems in your relationships, or further distressing situations, you may find yourself at a greater risk of relapse if you do not manage these setbacks. Through therapy, support groups, and additional recovery resources, you can start coping with life setbacks. It also never hurts to have some extra professional help. To learn how Alter Wellness Mindfuli can help you manage your setbacks, call (866) 973-4415. You can begin receiving personal mental health care with us today. 

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